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Little Brown Eyed Angel
Jean Montgomery
One cold November day,
Jesus looked down from the sky.
And saw a pretty little girl,
With Big Brown Eyes.
He said come, my child,
Come with me.
Where I will take you,
You'll have Angel's Wings.
Here a sweet little girl laughs, plays, and sings.
In Heaven there is no sorrow,
Suffering or pain.
The sky is sunny and blue,
And it never rains.
Our hearts are heavy and sad,
The little girl with Big Brown Eyes is happy and glad.
She is where no one ever cries,
Eternal day and no more night.
Precious are the little children,
In His sight.
To have and to hold,
In His loving care.
Where He is,
Andrea is there.
I know the pain in our hearts is hard to bear,
But she is in His arms, in His loving care.
So when we think of Andrea,
We think of Jesus, too.
That is what
He wants us to do.
So when we are
Unhappy and blue,
We can look to the sky,
With it's rainbow hue.
Andrea, I love you & miss you.
But Jesus needs you
To watch over and protect us,
Like all little angels are supposed to.
Andrea, we love you & will never forget you.
"But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me,
and do not forbid them; for such is the Kingdom of heaven".
(Mattthew 19:14 NKJV)
"In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these
- my brethren, ye have done it unto Me".
(Matthew 25:40 KJV)